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Skydiver thrown off plane after refusing to wear mask

Nashville, TN - According to reports, a local man on a skydiving expedition was thrown off the plane after he refused to wear a mask.

The skydiving company said the man was made aware of the mask policy at registration and was reminded again as he signed his waiver not to sue the business should he suffer catastrophic bodily injury or death.

Witnesses onboard tell us the man was wearing a mask when the plane took off but removed it immediately after the aircraft was in the air.

One passenger told reporters, "The instructor he was strapped to warned him that if he didn't put on a mask, he would throw him out, but the guy was defiant. He just said, 'Bring it on.' So, when we hit 14,000 feet, the instructor removed him from the plane."

In an exclusive interview, the instructor told us, "I hate that I had to throw him off, but he was begging for it. If you don't follow the rules, you have to pay the consequences."

The man in question seemed unfazed by the ordeal and even gave the company a five-star review on Tripadvisor:

"Greatest day of my life. Great company. A little strict about masks, but not too bad. I can't describe how good the wind feels on your uncovered face as you descend. I definitely recommend it."

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