Florida - Florida's Coalition of Nude Beaches announced on Monday that all visitors will now be required to wear masks at all times.

The announcement came as a surprise to many nude beach-goers who first learned of the change from signs placed along the shoreline.
"We didn't brink masks," said one disappointed naked man and his wife. "If we didn't brink swimsuits, why would we bring masks?"
Countless other visitors were upset, including a family of four from Alabama who drove naked for three hours to visit their favorite beach.
The father, who asked to remain anonymous, told reporters, "We're caught in a pickle. We can't go to the beach because we didn't bring masks. We can't go to the store and buy masks because we didn't bring clothes. I guess we'll just go home."
Nudist activists on social media also chimed in about the change saying it is another example of how the government is trying to take away their rights to body freedom. One man wrote, "This isn't about a virus. Them demanding us to cover up is just a cover-up for something much larger. Next, they'll want us to wear pants to the park."
A nude protest is scheduled for later today.
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