Nashville, TN - Local residents across Nashville celebrated the announcement this week that Chattanooga now has its very own "wings" mural.
The new Chattanooga installation was created by the same artist as the popular Music City attraction that draws hundreds of teenage tourists to the crowded Gulch every day.
Gulch resident, Kelly Peters, told reporters. "We are so excited to welcome tourists to the new Chattanooga version. I hear it is like a hundred times better than ours. And much closer for anyone coming in from the south. I can't wait for Nashville visitors to see it."
Many Nashvillians showed equal excitement. One downtown resident was seen handing out free printed step-by-step directions to the Chattanooga mural. Another local was giving out free $20 gas cards.
Jerry Evans, a bartender at a restaurant near the Nashville mural, said, "This Chattanooga mural is the best thing that has happened to Nashville in a long time. I'm thrilled."
Evans also pointed out that Nashville mural visitors could easily make the four-hour round-trip drive to Chattanooga in the time it takes most tourists to wait in line for a picture at the Nashville version.
The Chattanooga mural is located at Market South in downtown Chattanooga, 100 W. Main St.