As summer break approaches, it is common for schools across the country to treat students to a fun-filled day of track & field. An elementary school in Mt. Juliet, TN is no exception, except this year, one teacher refused to sit on the sidelines.
John Phillips, a 3rd grade teacher at the
school, unexpectedly signed up to compete in all eight student events.
School administrators initially denied his registration, but Phillips staged a public protest in the school cafeteria, demanding an explanation. After a careful review of the track & field rule book by the board of education, the committee could find no grounds to prevent Phillips from participating.
Despite some rain, Phillips destroyed the competition, taking 1st place in all eight events, including the standing broad jump, the 50-yard dash, and the sack race. Parents booed as Phillips celebrated his victories, dancing and taunting the children after each win. One irate parent told reporters, "He told my 6-year-old to 'suck it.' Is that what we are teaching kids these days?"
Angry parents and teachers boycotted the awards ceremony where Phillips reportedly gave a 30-minute victory speech to an empty gymnasium.
It is unclear if Phillips will be returning to the school in the fall.
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