Mayor David Briley announced today that he will be moving to ban all scooters from the streets of Nashville in the coming days but only after he gets to shred the gnar one last time.
Speaking from City Hall, the Mayor said, "Today, I've made the tough decision to ban scooters, but I also feel it is only fair that avid riders, including myself, have time to get in one last shred in this great city."
Mayor Briley did not say when the ban will go into effect but an anonymous staff member said the Mayor has been rearranging his calendar appointments for early next week and noted his calendar shows "Shred Time" for Monday at 2:30 pm.
Overall, the decision was well-received by those in attendance, but some showed concern when the Mayor announced he may allow a couple scooter companies to put a small number of scooters back on our streets in the future.
One unnamed Briley critic told reporters, "Wait. He's going to ban them but then bring them back? That concerns me. It makes me wonder if the Mayor is addicted to the gnar more than we know and if he'll ever completely rid the city of this menace."
This is a developing story.
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