Mt. Juliet, TN - Witnesses say a large group of Black Friday shoppers gathered in a circle outside Walmart on Thursday evening to offer a prayer of Thanksgetting ahead of the stores 6:00 p.m. opening.
One passerby told reporters, "I was walking by and saw them holding hands. I could only make out parts, but he was saying something about, 'we give thanks for the heavenly doorbusters you have bestowed upon us this eve.' I saw the same dude later wrestling a senior citizen over a TV back in Electronics."
According to reports, several members of the circle were observed taking items from shoppers' carts when they weren't looking. Another man was removed from the store by security for trying to buy more than the maximum "1 Roomba per customer." He told our reporter in the parking lot, "They think they can steal my blessings, but Black Friday is war and I adhere to no rules on the battlefield." He was later caught sneaking back in the store dressed as a Walmart employee. It is unclear where he got the uniform.
While there were no injuries reported, several shoppers say they were staying clear of the prayer circle, who was last seen heading to Target.