Nashville, TN - Jason Milan was struggling to decide what to get his girlfriend for Christmas when he came across an insane deal on a brand new Peloton Bike on Craigslist Nashville.
"At first I thought it was a scam," Milan told journalists. "These things usually go for like $2,300. The man was asking $250 cash. I talked him down to $225."
A printout of the Craigslist post, which has since been removed, reads:
"Selling Brand New Petolon Bike. Perfect condition. Retails for $2,300. Yours for $250 but you MUST come and get it IMMEDIATELY!!!! Yes, this is real. No, it's not a scam or stolen. Need it out of the house RIGHT NOW!!! ASAP! Please help me!"
According to Milan, the whole interaction with the seller took less than five minutes. He met the man and his wife in the garage, checked out the bike and made the exchange. At first he was concerned because the couple seemed really anxious and hurried, but ultimately the bike was as advertised.
Milan says he bought the bike because his girlfriend, Tina, has been talking about wanting to get in shape off and on for the past six months. He said, "I can't wait to give it to her. She's going to be so surprised."
Milan went on to say that he may not even wait until Christmas to give her the gift. He may surprise her with exercise bike on their 1st anniversary on December 13.