Earlier this week, Melanie Gray celebrated her 50th birthday. Her day started like most days. She got ready for work and roused her 26 year-old son, Mason, to remind him to look for a job. Then she went to the kitchen and made breakfast. That's when something unexpected happened.
"I was at the counter, trimming the crust off his toast," Melanie said. "He turned to me and said 'hey mom.' I looked over and there he was at the table, holding two thumbs high in the air. He didn't say Happy Birthday but I'm sure that's what he meant. I cried all the way to work." Melanie went on to explain that Mason typically doesn't speak to her in the mornings. He usually grabs his plate and takes it back to his room to eat while playing his video game.
"It's moments like these that make all the hardships of motherhood worth it. I will never forget it," Melanie said.
Mason was playing golf when we tried to reach him for comment, but at the time of this printing, he is still sending out resumes and hopes to attain a senior leadership position at a local tech firm in the near future.