Lebanon, TN - According to witnesses, an unknown man approached a self-checkout lane at the Publix on W. Main St. around 6:30 p.m. last night and proceeded to punch in the #4011 price code for non-organic bananas without ever taking his eyes from the screen to look at the PLU sticker.
One nearby shopper, who saw the whole transaction, told journalists,"He clearly knew the number by heart and was showing off. He punched that sucker in like it was his personal PIN number at an ATM. I've never seen anything like it."
Store managers have reviewed the surveillance footage from multiple angles and confirmed that the man did indeed punch in the code without ever referring to the label.
It is still unclear who the man is and how he managed to recall the four-digit PLU code so easily. Attempts to track his identity through credit card records proved fruitless when store representatives learned he paid with cash.
This is a developing story.