Madison, TN - A DSW customer held three thieves at shoepoint yesterday when the trio robbed the popular Madison shoe store.
Surveillance video shows the man stopping the suspects in the parking lot on Gallatin Pike N and telling them to step out of their late-model white sedan. When the car started inching toward the man, the customer pulled a red Jimmy Choo stiletto from a shopping bag and held it on the robbers' vehicle.
Witnesses say there was a tense stand-off before the car found a window and sped away. One witness told reporters, "That's when the man threw the shoe at the car. It looked like the heel got stuck in the window. Hopefully, they'll catch them. It shouldn't be too hard to spot a white car with a red stiletto sticking out of the back window."
Police say that along with the initial robbery, the investigation will also include aggravated assault charges since the driver accelerated toward the stiletto-wielding customer trying to stop them.
Employees at the store are calling the man a hero and managers say they will replace the Jimmy Choos free of charge once they come off back-order.