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Despite petition with over 50 signatures, this local Jedi will not be featured in RISE OF SKYWALKER

Nashville, TN - Despite a petition with over 50 signatures, local Jedi, Joseph Owens (a.k.a. JoJo Nashwalker), will not be featured in STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, opening this week.

According to sources, Owens made the realization this past week as final TV spots were released without him in it. The 28-year-old Jedi reportedly barely left his bedroom all weekend. "He's devastated," said Mary Owens, Joseph's mom. "I even made him Bantha Chops for dinner on Friday and he barely touched them."

Owens, who prefers to be called Nashwalker, has been lobbying Lucasfilm since 2013 for an opportunity to appear in the STAR WARS saga. Records show he even made three trips to California in hopes to audition for director, J.J. Abrams. He never made it past security.

Nashwalker announced the disappointing news via his Facebook page on Saturday morning, saying, "It's with a heavy heart that I announce that I will not be featured in Episode IX. I've tried every Jedi trick I know, but alas, The Force just wasn't with me on this one. At least, I tried."

His post garnered two sad faces from family members, a laughing emoji from a friend from an ex-girlfriend, and one comment from fellow-Jedi, YoYoWindu, who wrote, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

On a positive note, there may be a new hope for Nashwalker. Reports on Sunday night suggest the long-time Jedi may be trading in his lightsaber for a blaster in an attempt to make his STAR WARS debut as a bounty hunter on the Mandalorian. According to sources, Nashwalker was overheard through his bedroom door asking Alexa for the home address of Mandalorian creator, Jon Favreau.

The Inquisitor reached out to Nashwalker about the development, who responded, "I can neither confirm nor deny my destiny, but I will say that I've got a good feeling about this."

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