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TPAC strikes fear in hearts of husbands with announcement of 2020-2021 Broadway musicals
Nashville, TN - The Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) struck fear in the hearts of thousands of Middle Tennessee husbands on Sunday...

Titans fan gives team shocking ultimatum: 'If you sign Tom Brady, I'm out!'
Nashville, TN - A Tennessee Titans fan gave the sports club a shocking ultimatum on Friday via Facebook after news reports claimed the...

What a Steal! Truck For Sale, Light Water Damage
Nashville, TN - For anyone in the market for a new vehicle, check out this recent Facebook Marketplace advertisement for a...

New manager, Boomer Smith from Oklahoma, impressed staff already knows name and home state
Nashville, TN - Boomer Smith, 56, didn't know what to expect when he relocated to Nashville from Oklahoma to take on a new role as the...

Nashville Zoo spider monkey disappointed dropped phone only crappy iPhone 6
Antioch, TN - A spider monkey at the Nashville Zoo expressed severe disappointment on Wednesday when a phone dropped in its enclosure...

Local teen who reported dangerous WWII mortar receives super cool bazooka as reward
Antioch, TN - A second Middle Tennessee teen is being hailed as a hero this week after reporting a dangerous WWII mortar he found in a...

Inspired by man who gave $3K tip, Cracker Barrel regular leaves server extra 63 cents
Lebanon, TN - When a local man decided to surprise a waitress with a $3,000 tip last week, he had no idea that his act of generosity...

Feb. 18 named 'Almost Presidents Day' to honor POTUS runners-up who didn't make the cut
Nashville, TN - The descendants of several historic runner-ups in Presidential elections have petitioned the U.S. Board of U.S. Holidays...

Local Girl Scout rents ATM to put an end to the 'no cash' lies and excuses
Nashville, TN - Every year, Girl Scouts across Middle Tennessee are subjected to the lies and excuses of grown adults who claim they...

Spirit Airlines to relocate 240 employees to Nashville for $59 one-way, $30 per bag
Franklin, TN - Spirit Airlines announced on Thursday that it will be moving 240 current positions and an additional 100 positions to...

Local man dresses as heart to surprise wife at work on the International Space Station
Nashville, TN - A local man, dressed in a custom heart costume, is going above and beyond this Valentine's Day to surprise his wife at...

Lucky Nashville man scores prime last-minute Valentine's reservation at Shoney's
Nashville, TN - Nashville native, Blake Almond, admits Valentine's Day had completely slipped his mind until his wife asked him Wednesday...

Report: Mike Bloomberg plans to shred the half-pipe during rally at Rocketown
Nashville, TN - Many Nashvillians were surprised to learn that Democratic Presidential Candidate, Mike Bloomberg, chose Rocketown to host...

3 best florist dumpsters to find the perfect Valentine's flowers
Nashville, TN - Is money tight? No problem! Here are the three best florist dumpsters to find the perfect flowers for that special...

8-year-old solves MLS Stadium/Fairgrounds feud with three words: 'Just LEGO it'
Nashville, TN - Earlier today, a local 8-year-old solved the ongoing feud over how to please MLS soccer fans and fairground patrons with...

Local witch not impressed by 'sad little' Broomstick Challenge
Nashville, TN - A local Nashville witch says she is not impressed by the Broomstick Challenge circling social media this week. "It's...

Local Quick-E-Lube offers romantic couples oil change for Valventine's Day
Antioch, TN - A local Quick-E-Lube is celebrating Valventine's Day by offering a once-in-a-lifetime romantic couples oil change. For...

Person of Interest sought by newly-single detective
Nashville, TN - Nashville Detective, Allison Binson, re-entered the dating world yesterday, after ending a 3-year relationship last month....

Local recycling company rebrands as 'Pelosi's Shredders' in risky PR move
Nashville, TN - A local recycling company, Shredmeisters, rebranded itself this week as "Pelosi's Shredders" in a risky PR move to...

Top 3 signs the creepy guy staring at you for hour wants to be your Valentine
By Amanda Allen We've all been there, ladies. You are at the movies watching Dolittle with your best friends, Megan, Beth, and Shelly. ...
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